tito tito LeeThe New AusteritiesOpportunities in Alabama AgricultureThe Sweet-Scented ManuscriptThe Fields of Asphodel

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Are we being socially engineered?

By now you will have noticed, dear reader, the enthusiasm with which TV advertisements these days have joined the Afro-promotionist project. Orders have come down from on high, and it is now barely legal to sponsor an advertisement, whether for toothpaste or penile extenders, without including at least 30% very well-dressed and confident-looking Negros in the mix. But if advertisers truly want to play it safe, it is highly advisable also to expose a strong women in a position of high authority, preferably if she can be shown barking out orders to a toadying white male.
A stranger to this land would assume from television that our society is under the absolute control of 30-something impatient-looking females in cahoots with no-nonsense black people with IQs in the 140-170 range. Social engineering via cathode ray tube? Bet your sweet ass it is.

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Our Country is SICK!

"It’s happened again. Sixteen illegals, represented by the Mexican-American Legal Defense Fund, sued rancher Roger Barnett in federal court for $32 million. In 2004, he collared the border jumpers and held them at gunpoint on his Cross Rail Ranch near Douglas, Arizona, until the Border Patrol arrived. One of them was a previously deported dope dealer. Since 1998, he has detained 12,000 for the Border Patrol. Illegals have trashed his property, killed livestock, stolen trucks, and even broken into his home. Because they kept wrecking an 8,000-gallon water tank, he installed a faucet so they could get something to drink.Still, in February, the jury in the case awarded four of the plaintiffs a total of $78,000: $7,500 apiece for two of them because Barnett inflicted “emotional distress,” $1,400 each for two more because of his “assault,” and $60,000 in punitive damages…” (R. Cort Kirkwood)

So this is what it comes to, a once-great nation caught in the act of suicide. Were we still a healthy society, these interlopers, instead of being granted court damages, would be rendered into rather tiny pieces by high-power ordnance the moment they stepped across the line. Healthy society? In fact our country is sick unto death and will not last the night.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The New York Times Circles the Drain!

The New York Times! Has ever there existed in this hemisphere an institution more trusting of government than this one? Government is good – that’s just the way it is – but beware the people, many of whom have consented voluntarily to live outside the American Northeast.

I once undertook the task of adding up the projected cost of all the multifarious federal projects this newspaper demanded, but left off with it when the total surpassed the capacity of my admittedly inexpensive calculator. We’re talking real money here, most of which was to be directed to the 97% of the population deemed by the Times to be disadvantaged.

I do so hope The New York Times collapses economically, a denouement that balances and more than balances any sort of recession you care to postulate. New York Times! Failure is not just an option for that paper, but a civilizational requirement.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Benefits of Recession???

I do agree with those people, both of them, who believe the current recession offers renewed hope for the future of our society. Imagine, if you will, that twenty million illegal immigrants will have been inspired to return to the pullulating cesspools they have established in the lands of their origin, all to the benefit of our domestic morality and degree of civilization. More exciting still, imagine that another twenty million LEGAL immigrants might also opt to deliver us from their presence!

While imagining, imagine that the recession might somehow eventuate in a better form of capitalism more approximate to authentic meritocracy. Imagine if cancer researchers earned more than Madonna, opera singers more than basketball players, brave soldiers more than pornographers. And while we are dreaming, imagine that good people were better rewarded in this country than the current crowd of multi-culturalists and other sub humans who mis- and diseducate our people from their positions at The New York Times, television, and Hollywood.

Real poverty, as Stacy McCain rightly notes, is never to be recommended. Impossible to live a thoughtful and productive life if one is locked into a cycle of unremitting drudgery which would entail the end of literature and music, romance and adventure, and everything good. It isn't poverty I wish, but rather the end of the sort of sumptuousness that dissolves self-discipline and grants giant fortunes to the worst people in our country - lowest common denominator capitalism that aims at the middle of the Bell Curve, and enriches pornographers and rap singers and basketball players but is indifferent to scholars and scientists and brave soldiers.

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Is the Recession a Positive Thing?

I am delighted with the collapse of the western banking system, a deserved denouement that offers us the chance to rid our society of some of the putrefaction - celebrities, billionaires, television - that has so depreciated American culture over the past sixty years. And then, too, we must not ignore the very good possibility that some part of the twelve million illegal trespassers now disfiguring our landscape will see fit to return to the living hells they have created and abandoned.

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Friday, April 17, 2009

Tito Perdue & The Other McCain

Tito Perdue, literary genius -
(posted by R. Stacy McCain - The Other McCain http://rsmccain.blogspot.com/)

Woke up this morning at 8:30 a.m. after staying up until 3 a.m. talking to my old friend Tito Perdue. The morning sun is streaming down on the lakefront here about 10 miles north of Wetumpka, Alabama. It's beautiful, although I thought the midnight stars were more beautiful.We watched opera last night, and Tito reminded me how we met. I'd written a column for the Rome (Ga.) News-Tribune which (humorously, I thought) explained why I couldn't stand the caterwauling of an operatic soprano. Tito, who was then living in Cave Spring, Ga., wrote a letter to the editor denouncing me as a philistine. This was the start of a long and eventful friendship. More after this operatic interlude featuring the Russian soprano Netrebko:

Among other things, I'm semi-responsible for Tito's "outing" as something other than a liberal. (Don't ever call him a "conservative"; he'll reply, "No, I'm a reactionary!") Tito's first two novels were published to critical acclaim and he looked to be well on his way to being the next Winston Groom (who is, in fact, a cousin of his). Critics thought his Faulkneresque style was "postmodern," and he was favorably reviewed in the New York Times, etc.Then, after we met, I wrote a feature profile about Tito, describing his library full of classics, his enjoyment of Wagner, his admiration of Nietzsche, his general loathing of all things new or even recent. Among other things, he mentioned in the interview that, if there were ever to be a film made of his books, the only director he'd want would be Elia Kazan -- who, you may recall, "named names" for the House Committee on Un-American Activities.Tito thought the article was splendid, and copies of the article were distributed by his agent. At which point, the game was up. His book contract was cancelled and it was a couple of years before he published his next novel, which the New York Times didn't review. Difficult as is the life of a literary novelist in the Age of Illiteracy, imagine what it's like for Tito being marked as an antagonist of the liberal culture -- really, an antagonist of the entirety of contemporary society. And, doggone it, Elia Kazan is dead!Tito is a fine storyteller and his first novel, Lee, is great, even if the critics agree. The book introduces the protagonist Lee Pefley, who is featured in his other novels. His second book, The New Austerities, was actually better, I thought. More recently, he's published a wonderful tale of Lee Pefley's romantic youth, The Sweet Scented Manuscript. This is a roman a clef of Tito's own wild experience at Ohio's Antioch College, where he met, wooed and married his wife Judy.Their love affair was scandalous enough to get them both kicked out of school in 1957. They've now been married 51 years, and I think young readers -- who have zero idea of what the 1950s were really like, much less the kind of love that causes two kids to get married at 18 -- would get a thrill out of The Sweet Scented Manuscript. Of course, this postulates the hypothetical existence of young people who read literary novels for any reason other than being assigned to do so by their teachers. Sigh.

At any rate, I'm sitting barefoot in Tito's living room, which has a magnificent view of the lake. Last night, as we stood out on the deck underneath a star-filled sky, I said I wished my friends up in D.C. had any inkling of how wonderful Alabama is. This horrified Judy, who expressed the fear that such a revelation might result in an influx that would ruin the place.So whatever you do, don't tell anyone that the nearest place to heaven on earth is 10 miles north of Wetumpka on Alabama Highway 111, just off County Road 23. Take a right turn at Martin's Bait & Tackle and keep going until you find the end of Muscadine Lane.Of course, you'll never find the place. You probably won't even bother to try. And isn't that sad?

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Why Shouldn't Iran Have Nuclear Weapons?

Yes, well we see a great concern nowadays over the possibility that Iran might soon produce enough fissible material for the construction of nuclear weapons. With my poor memory, I remember no such parallel concern with Israel’s nuclearization, nor that of India, nor Pakistan, nor even China’s, nor all those other countries currently doing the same thing secretly. Iran, however, unlike Israel, is a unique sort of country with a propensity for committing aggression upon its neighbors. So very poor is that memory of mine, I cannot recall precisely which countries Iran has aggressed against. I do remember Iraq aggressing against Iran, but since that was done with American help, it has no place in this discussion.

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Monday, April 6, 2009

Alabama Writers Symposium, 2009

Tito Perdue will be speaking at the Opening Convocation of the Alabama Writers Symposium in Monroeville, AL on May 1, 2009 at 8:30AM. Don Noble will appear with him as scholar and moderator.

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