
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Republicans not extreme enough!!!

In response to David Brooks' mournful New York Times column about extremists in the Republican Party, I can only respond thusly:

Unfortunately, there are NO extremists in the Republican Party and I must continue my search for public leaders who will sponsor the following measures:
The restoration of racial segregation
Ejection of all immigrants, legal as well as illegal, since 1965
Restriction of the franchise to white heterosexual males above age 40
End of affirmative action
Confiscatory taxation of incomes over $250,000/year
Withdrawal from all overseas military installations
Refund of monies sent to Israel
Withdrawal from the United Nations
End of welfare
Restoration of military draft
Derecognition of France
Formation of a Confederation of the Northern Hemisphere with a 90% Caucasian demographic
Prison for TV and Hollywood producers
Capital punishment for bankers
Stealth planes to be remanded to the Rio Grande
New York Times editors to be aportioned to traveling circus owners ....... and so much more!

1 comment:

  1. Clinton ended "welfare" in
    America, defined as redistributionist governmental assistgance to anyone needing asistance. There is no "welfare" system in the USA in 2012.

    Social Security, unemployment compensation, medicare, etc. are not "welfare." In all these cases, the recipiants are simply getting their own money back. They have made forced payments into these systems for many years.
