In a New York Times article on March 27, 2012, Michael Cooper and Jo Craven McGinty bemoan the new changes to Florida's voting regulations. They claim that these restrictions for some reason especially hinder minorities and Democrats from exercising their right to vote.
Better if far fewer were allowed to vote, especially those who are not genetically capable of wise decision making. Dictatorships are generally superior to mass democracies like the present-day United States where all races and genders are encouraged to help decide American policy. If the franchise had followed the Athenian example, only males of a certain age and position would be allowed to vote, and we would not now be crippled by unlimited immigration, affirmative action, racial integration, impossible federal debt, welfare, useless schools employing illiterate "teachers," political correctness, Afropromotionism/Anglodemotionism, and all the other self-inflicted ills that are turning our once-beautiful country into a dumpting ground for ethnic sewage.
It is fair to speak of modern-day egalitarianism as a form of psychopathology or mental disorder afflicting a certain class of North-European-descended Whites, for their actions on the societal body are semblable to self-mutilation.