
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Is Race an Issue?

"Race will always be an issue because..."

...the races are profoundly unlike each other. White people tend naturally to create civilizations in which they will be comfortable. It is clear that black people, in general, are not comfortable in a society that is, or used to be, overwhelmingly white. I would not be comfortable in China.

Immigrants to America nearly always come for the economic advantages and don't necessarily expect to be comfortable. The inevitable result is racial antagonism based upon intellectual, cultural, spiritual, and social misunderstanding.

Liberals, who take a shallow and optimistic view of human nature, like to imagine that highly unlike peoples can learn to join hands around a campfire and sing sad folksongs to each other. They may do that, but they will be holding their breath at the same time. A fissiparous society is a society in conflict, as witness the 10,000 experiences of tribal conflict everywhere.

Myself, I adored the Caucasian civilization of the '40s and '50s and deeply abominate what passes today for decency and culture. It seems I had grown accustomed to a world with low crime rates, very little illegal drug use, almost no illegal immigration, a society in which romance was prized above routine coitus, good schools that actually taught, responsible parents, popular music with a heart, a high quotient of daily courtesy, and all the other lost qualities that made that era the best in our national experience.

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