In an article in yesterday's Washington Post, Karen Tumulty reports on those women lamenting the failure of the 1992 women's push to move into the Washington arena. "...a growing body of evidence suggests that these pathbreaking women [in politics] have proved to be cautionary examples - not role models..."
It is encouraging to find that women have at last begun to understand that they have no authentic right to participate in important decision making in either politics, business, or the arts.The male is the primary gender and women are but stolen rib bones in expensive clothes. The sole obligation of a woman is to identify that man to whom she wishes to consecrate her life, and then to adore and serve him for the balance of her days. That women are today being thrust into positions for which they are genetically ineligible is simply one more marker of the radical decadence of these times. Happiness for women lies only in the arms of a man, and if you doubt that, I recommend that the next time you find yourself on the streets of New York City (or any other similar Gehenna), that you take a glance into the faces of career women striding forward militantly on six-inch heels.
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