
Monday, May 24, 2010

Disparate Impact

By 2014 it had become all too obvious that America's homicide laws were having a disparate impact on our African American minority. In response to that, the pre-Regulator Congress had established the reformed "point system," properly so-called, according to which AAs were given one demerit each for first- and second-degree murders performed under social stress. (For parallel crimes, white people, by contrast, were to be assigned 12-64 demerits on a scale in which nine such "points" qualified for the death penalty.) Applied with rigor, this system did finally succeed in equalizing punishments granted to those found culpable of capital crimes.
Also it was the first federal statute overturned by the Regulator, who ruled that the law was henceforth to be applied solely to the authors of the law.

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