
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Chattahoochee Valley Writers' Conference

One naturally expects the best American fiction to emanate from The South, but it remains an only partially understood truth that the best of the best is very often to be found in the region immediately adjacent to that Chattahoochee River Valley that so arbitrarily subtracts Georgia from Alabama’s realm. Such talent, fortunately, is displayed annually at the Chattahoochee Valley Writers’ Conference convoked each September in the city of Carson McCullers – Columbus, Georgia.
This year’s celebration, held September 24-26, attracted writers and readers and agents from far and near, including keynoter Jill McCorkle who spoke affectingly of the role of memory and family, (surely the two most defining themes in southern writing) in the creation of her own novels and stories. Also present was Stephany Evans representing her New York agency FinePrint Lite rary Management. Always on the lookout for new talent, Stephany has become a regular visitor to this vicinity, famous equally for fine writers and those able to appreciate them.

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